Daniel Bear Davis
Daniel has a creative practice driven by an awe and wonder for humanity and an equally poignant curiosity and respect for the more-than-human world. His performance work has been presented at the Imagining Bodies Symposium in Estonia, in Trolley Dances with Carpetbag Brigade, at the Cowell Theater, Counterpulse, SFIAF Jewels in the Square, SoWat Now Contemporary Performance Festival, Looking Left Festival, and at SEEDS at Earthdance. Daniel participated in an early research and development residency for the CONTACT project, which led to the development of EchoTheaterSuitcase project. As a core collaborator to the project his collaborations have included Assistant Director on the CounterPulse ARC production, Director of ETS Yolo County (U.C. Davis), and Assistant Director for the Bay Area Bold festival performance. His work prioritizes content over genre, weaving text, dance, music, video and new media. His work is also inspired by his study, practice and teaching of Axis Syllabus work, Contact Improvisation and other dance and theater techniques, as well as, Somatic Experiencing, as an approach to trauma resolution. danielbeardavis.com