Directed by: Krista DeNio
Assistant directed by: Daniel Bear Davis
Creator | Performers: Daniel Bear Davis, Sonia Decker, Katarina Eriksson, Stephen Funk, Remi Frazier, Hope Hutman, Daniel Lippel, Bill McQueen, Utam Moses, Misty Snyder, Tina Taylor
Field of Inquiry: Body Politic Edition
These performances took place in twenty minute increments in two different locations:
The Theater box seats in the main theater balcony, where the ensemble moved from isolation (in their boxes) to connection, through sound and movement, across space. Audience members could then move through a series of one-to-one, or one-small group performance experiences, in each of the boxed seat areas, [from storytelling, to waiting, to selecting war medals, photographs, letters or other memorabilia from which veterans would share specific stories].
Outside the ensemble marched from the street into formation on the plaza; a monologue from Tyler Boudreau’s Packing Inferno: The Unmaking of a Marine, is delivered, while a young man packs his sea bag. The group moves across concrete platforms and intense physical exercises, until each veteran, one at a time, falls backward from the concrete platforms, into the arms of the ensemble who yell: “We gotcha”. A marine shares the story of becoming an Anti-war hero, and a military enemy, while two women tell the stories of their war-torn homes, and fathers’ traumatic addictions. The people’s mic is employed for the crowd to echo back these stories.
Interactive Installation, designed by Hope Hutman (Intermedia Designer)- Lobby
An interactive, online aspect of the project, is shared as a part of the think tank, giving users and opportunity to engage with questions the project is navigating, such as: [What makes you feel safe? Describe the experience of coming home after a long time away. What makes you afraid?]
Audience participants reply to the question and immediately see their answer documented anonymously on a separate page, where all answers to date, can be seen.