Directed by: Krista DeNio (ARC resident)
Assistant directed by: Daniel Bear Davis
Performer/ Creators: Daniel Bear Davis, Sonia Decker, Katarina Eriksson, Stephen Funk, Remi Frazier, Hope Hutman, Daniel Lippel, Bill McQueen, Utam Moses, Susan Pfeffer, Misty Snyder, Tina Taylor
Psychologist/ Advisor/ Dramaturg: Susan Maxwell
Production Assistant: Belle Wilensky
Text by: the ensemble, Tyler Boudreau, K.DeNio
Sound design: Cory Neale
Music: Cory Neale, Stephen Katz, Jesse Autumn, Gabriel Todd, Librarians, Horsefeathers
Intermedia design: Hope Hutman
Light Design: Richard Board
Costume Design: Venus Alba
In this project iteration, an ensemble of twelve investigated family histories, lineage and the impact experiences within the U.S. Military and several eras of conflicts, had on their lives. A long line of women tow the laundry line across the space, carrying the burden of family histories, falling prey to violence at home, and peeling potatoes – to hang the skins on the line [have some “skin in the game”]. Stephen Funk, a former marine in Iraq, who was the first U.S. armed forces member to speak out publically against the Iraq war and to come out as a gay man, shared his experiences of being put in the brig, and other forms of military punishment for his actions. Vietnam era veterans described very positive and very traumatic experiences encountered during and after the war. Two daughters of Vietnam veterans share the mystery, trauma, and heroism surrounding their fathers’ time of service and post-military lives and interactions with their families. The audience boards an airplane flight, and has conversations with their neighbors while aboard, to learn more about one another’s family histories and experiences of war. All participants are invited to take an oath: I, [state your first name], do swear, to engage in this work, with an open mind, to stand in the shoes of the other, to become a better ally to myself and others. Count me in!