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Kristen Rulifson
Kristen Rulifson is a dance maker and movement enthusiast dedicating her life to somatic research and human exchange. She has a Bachelor's in Neurobiology Physiology and Behavior and Dramatic Arts (UC Davis, 2014) and continued her education in Expressive Arts Therapy at the Tamalpa Institute (2016). She was recently a Lead Artist at SAFEhouse (2017-2018) and selected for the Mark Foehringer Young Choreographers' Forum (2017). She has received recognition from ITDP at UC Davis,Theatre Bay Area CA$H Grant, and Sacramento Arties Award. Kristen is the Co-Director of Naturally Expressive Leaders, a program offering leadership training through arts, mindfulness, and advocacy to underserved youth. You can also find her performing this season with the Piñata Collective, Artship, and Dugway Proving Ground.