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Bhumi B. Patel
Bhumi B. Patel is a dancer, choreographer, educator, writer, curator, and historian. She creates queer, feminist movement art that holds the focus of creating movement at the intersection of embodied philosophy and dynamic sensation taking precedence over stagnant form and has been presented at SAFEhouse Arts, the San Francisco International Arts Festival, the Summer Performance Festival, in RAWdance's Concept Series, at max10 Santa Cruz, at Shawl-Anderson’s Salon, and at LEVYsalon. She curates a yearly program with SAFEhouse Arts and the National Queer Arts Festival to honor and uplift women of color's voices and dancemaking. She earned her MA in American Dance Studies from Florida State University and her MFA in Dance from Mills College. She was a 2018 SAFEhouse Lead Artist, a 2018 Emerging Arts Professionals Fellow and is serving as a Women of Color in the Arts Fellow for 2019. Bhumi is on faculty at West Valley College for technique and composition, teaches with the Nancy Karp + Dancers School Program at Anna Yeats Elementary, and teaches with the Youth Program at Shawl-Anderson Dance Center. She is excited to begin her first year as a teaching specialist at Lone Mountain Children's Center.